Monday, October 27, 2008
a quiter never wins and a winner never quits
Desire is the agency through which money is made, MONEY , of itself, is nothing inert matter. It cannot move, think, or talk but it can HEAR when one who desires it calls it to come.
So if you are out of money don't quit, DESIRE it
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Ten Perfections
First is Giving:
As a jar overturned, pours out the liquid and keeps back nothing, even so shall your charity be without reserve.
Second is Renunciation:
As a cow, when the hair of her tail becomes entangled in anything, would rather suffer death than injure her tail, even so you should keep to your principles as a cow to her tail.
Third is Duty:
As a man in prison, suffering pain for long, knows that there is no pleasure for him but only to wait for release, so shall you look at your existence on earth, as prison, and turn your face towards duty.
Fourth is Insight:
As a begger-monk shuns no families from whom he begs, whether lowly or high or in between, and acquires his daily fare, so shall you at all times question the wise to gain insight.
Fifth is Courage:
As the lion, king of beasts, whether when lying down or standing up, lacks no courage, but is ever light hearted, so shall you always hold true to your courage.
Sixth is Patience:
As the earth bears all that cast upon it, both the pure and the impure, and feels no resentment nor rejoicing, so shall you receive favors and rebuffs alike, with indifference.
Seventh is Truth:
As a star of healing is balanced in the heavens and swerves not form its path in its time and its season, so shall you remain fixed in your path of truth.
Eighth is Resolution:
As the stone mountain, firmly based, quails not before the tempest but abides in its place, so shall you abide in your resolution once resolved.
Ninth is Loving Kindness:
As water quenches the thirst of the good and bad alike and cleanses them of dust and impurity, so shall you treat your friends and your foes alike, with loving kindness.
Tenth is Serenity: As indeed the earth looks with serenity on all the purity and impurity cast upon it, even so shall you approach with serenity both joy and sorrow, as if you are to attain wisdom.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
the Secret of Life?
There is no one size fits all answer to the question what is the secret of life?, but there are some road signs and maps available to help you get where you are going in life. These secrets and more will all be exposed on this website for your viewing pleasure.
How Do I Know the Secret of Life?
Let me get this out in the open right away. I am not a prophet, a psychic, or a fortune teller. I'm a normal Juan just like anyone you know. The only difference is that one day I had an epiphany about life and decided to talk about it.
The epiphany was this: we all know what we need to or know to seek out someone who can tell us what to do, but none of us actually do either. We sit in our meanless lives worried about one thing or another, purposely blocking the truth from our mind to escape the idea that we have to change in order to get what we want.
Exactly What is the Secret of Life?
If you are into philosophy, you like might like Stephen R. Covey's answer. He says "Life is to Live, Love, Learn, and Leave a Legacy". I think he's got a great answer, but it's layered and possibly too much for our TV-gooshed brains to handle. So let me tell you my answer. I say life is coming to terms with yourself and understanding that we are all part of a bigger picture.
Fundamentally, we all want to be happy (live), we all crave affection and attention (love), we all have a picture in our minds of the ideal life (learn), and some of us want to provide a better life for posterity (legacy). These ideals are part of our making as human beings, they aren't goals - so stop trying to reach them and don't kill yourself with dozens of plans on how you're going to accomplish them all by the time you're 60. You'll end up becoming a Type-A Personality and be in a worse situation then you are today.
Why is it that the suicide rate is higher in high income families than in lower income families? Why do superstars become obsessed with cosmetic surgery and develop a fear of germs? It's not the money that's the problem, it's the fact that these people didn't have a clear vision of what they wanted, so when they became wealthy they didn't know what to do with themselves. Knowing what you want out of life is everything.
Go Negative, Not Dirty - POLITICS
Responsible citizens—all of us—would then flock to the voting booth to make a prudential judgment between the greater of two or more goods, deciding which of the candidates is most suited, right now, for the particular job at hand.
Friday, October 10, 2008
What do you really want in this life?
Mabye you have something else in mind.
Are you looking for the love of your life?
Are you trying to start or build a business of your own?
Does your career need a boost?
I don't care what you want. I only want you to consider asking yourself what that 8 word question.
Maybe you're already happy. Great! We're absolutely thrilled for you.
But if you're not...and so many people just like you are not happy.
So many are careful not to ask themselves that one little question.
"What do I really want in this life?" Because they don't want to be disappointed. Or seem foolish. Or vain.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Don't Be Afraid
Don't Be Afraid To Fail
The word fail means "to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved"
Using this simple definition, we must admit we all fail. John says, "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us" (1 Jn. 1:8).
Since everyone fails, we shouldn't be afraid to fail. As a matter of fact, we should realize we'll make mistakes and seek to learn from their them, rather than cowering from the fear of failure.
Parable of the Talents
The fear of failure is the reason many people fail. Some don't try at all, and some only halfheartedly try, because they're afraid to fail. The thinking is, "If I don't try, I won't fail; therefore, I'll succeed."
In the parable of the talents, the one talent man had this attitude. He was afraid to try, so he hid his talent in the ground, expecting his master to accept his excuses. But when his master returned, he was punished as a lazy and wicked slave (Matt. 25:18, 24-29).
If we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by fear, we guarantee failure in the form of eternal damnation. But if we rise above fear and obey God, serving Him to the best of our ability by risking failure to gain success, the Lord will mercifully grant us a home in heaven.
Failure Doesn't Necessarily Result In Damnation
Paul says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23).
If failure automatically resulted in damnation, we could never be saved. But the opposite is actually true --- since we failed, we need salvation.
We shouldn't be afraid to fail, because everyone fails. As failures, we'll either obey God resulting in eternal life, or continue disobeying Him resulting in eternal damnation. Either way, we all make mistakes and fail at some point in life.
Don't Be Afraid To Act
At first, Esther was afraid to fail. If she approached the king and he didn't hold out his golden scepter, she would die.
But Mordecai counseled her, saying, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this" (Es. 4:13-14)?
Esther responded by instituting a three day fast before going in to the king, revealing her attitude, saying, "If I perish, I perish" (Es. 4:16).
Like Esther, we can't be afraid to fail. If we perish doing God's will, then we perish. It's better to die serving God, than to live, and spend eternity in hell.
Don't Be Afraid To Show Kindness
It's very popular to be unkind in our culture, and bully other people. It's recently become such an epidemic over the Internet, TV commercials attempt to reverse the trend by showing the devastating affects it has on children.
One way Christians are different from the world is kindness. And rightly so, since we experience God's kindness in our lives (Eph. 2:7). Therefore, God commands us to put on compassion and kindness, which is a component of the fruit of the Spirit (Col. 3:12; Gal. 5:22).
Don't Be Afraid To Give
The story of the rich man and Lazarus tells of a man who was afraid to let go of his worldly goods. He may have been selfish, wanting to keep them for himself; or he may have been hardhearted and uncaring.
For whatever reason the rich man refused to help a child of God, we can learn from his life, the end of which is eternity in torment. We can't be afraid to step out and do the benevolent work God has ordained, kindly giving to those who are in need, especially to those of the household of faith (Gal. 6:10).
God blesses us materially to share with those who have need (2 Cor. 8-9). If we obey God, we'll store up treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that we may take hold of that which is life indeed (1 Tim. 6:19). But if we're like the rich man, and keep all our wealth for ourselves, we'll be tormented for eternity.
As James says, "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world" (Ja. 1:27).
We can't be afraid to fail, spiritually or materially. We must step out as God's children and do His work, showing kindness to everyone around us, willing to give of ourselves to help those in need.
When we do, we're blessed. But most of all, we'll live in the Paradise of God for eternity (Rev. 2:7).
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tom and Jerry
So both Tom and Jerry must get a wake-up call now before we keep repeating the rise and fall of the empires and kingdoms past.
Persuasive Speech
O.k., that's something that you have to know as you write your persuasive speech. Now, I'm not going to tell you not to go for the gold and you know 'I really want a big time change this attitude'. I do want to tell you that it's a little smarter to take baby steps, but again it depends on your topic. And depending on what it is you want to accomplish, a little bit or a lot, will depend on the approach that you use.
There's two kinds of approaches I want to talk about and foot-in-the-door is the first approach. And foot-in-the-door is when you just want to talk a little bit about a subject that you want people to start thinking about. Like this, you're going to a smokers' convention and you want to convince them to stop smoking, yeah, you want to go with that foot-in-the-door. Just put that information out there a little bit for them to start chewing on, right?
O.k., the other type of approach is what we call door-in-the-face.
O.k., you want to use door-in-the-face when you go to the smokers' convention and as soon as your speech is over, you want everyone of those smokers to apply their non-smoking patch and never smoke again.
O.k., you've got to come in strong. You've got to hit them with a door-in-the-face to achieve what it is you want to accomplish. So, know your approach, know your question, know your types of persuasion.
Well, of course you know them, I just taught them to you, so get out there and write a great speech."
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sleep less
Try getting up one hour earlier for 21 days and it will develop into a powerful habit. Remember, it is the quality not the quantity of sleep that is important.
And just imagine having an extra 30 hours a month to spend on the things that are important to you.
Mindset of a Champion
If you don't see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner - Zig Ziglar
How many times did you hear a true champion speak with doubt? How many times did you hear a boxer say, “It will be a tough fight, we will just have to wait until Saturday and see how it all works out”? Never, because doubt will knock you out before you even begin.
People are disturbed not by things but by the view they take of them-- Epictetus 200AD
It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you are not. -- Denis Waitley
Sunday, October 5, 2008
On Having More Courage... From the writings of Dale Carnegie...
- Act as if you were courageous. This makes you a bit braver as if one side of yourself had been challenged and wished to show it was not wholly afraid.
- Pause to reflect that others have had to face great discouragements and great obstacles and have overcome them. And what others have done, surely you can do.
- Remember that your life forces move in a sort of rhythm and that if you feel depressed and without the power to face life you may be at the bottom of the trough; if you will keep up your courage, you will probably swing out of it by the very forces which at the moment are sucking you down.
- Remember you feel more defeated and downcast at night than during the daylight hours. Courage comes with the sun.
- Courage is the measure of a big soul. Try to measure up.
Six Ways to Show More Courtesy to Others... From the writings of Dale Carnegie...
- When talking with another, listen attentively. Don't assume a bored attitude, or allow an "I knew it" expression to flicker across your features.
- Don't interrupt another when talking. Let him talk himself out, even though he be a complainer. If you interrupt him, you are implying that what he is saying isn't worth listening to.
- Get the name of the speaker, if he is a stranger to you, and use when occasion arises.
- If the speaker is wrong in a statement, never onctradict him flatly. If necessary, mention, after he has finished, that you always thought thus-and-so, and add that if you are wrong you are glad to be advised.
- Don't assume an air of importance. Never allow the speaker, or your companion, to feel that he is inferior to you in any sense. He won't think himself inferior, and he will resent you if you show that you think he is. If you have had superior advantages, he will attribute that to your luck, not to you.
- Apologize when you have been wrong.
Carnegie Coach™ - How to Handle Your Busy Season
2) Learn to make good decisions quickly – Sometimes making no decision is worse than making the wrong decision. Weigh the costs and benefits, ask another person, check your resources, but do it quickly. More times than not something is on hold while you make your decision.
3) Get it done – Get the “tomorrow I’m going on vacation attitude”. Kick up your productivity on all urgent matters, phone calls, and emails. By tying up loose ends before you leave, you can start with a clean slate of tasks and goals the next day.
4) Profit from mistakes - Everyone makes mistakes, however, not everyone takes the time to profit from them. Determine what went wrong and what can be done differently the next time.
5) Don’t over-commit – If you are already over extended or feel that you’re getting close, just say no, many times you don’t need an explanation.
6) Use your breaks – Use procrastination and breaks to your advantage by getting reenergized and boosting your creativity. Sometimes you just need step back and take a break.
Friday, October 3, 2008
With that single order, he guaranteed the success of his campaign. He knew that people who have no other alternative-or will accept no other-always win. If you find yourself in a situation where victory seems impossible, you may benefit your cause by developing an alternate course of action. If your objective won’t yield to a full frontal assault, try an oblique approach.
There are very few problems in life that are impossible to solve, and few obstacles that will not eventually give way to a determined, motivated person with a plan that is flexible enough to cope with changing condition.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Ten Roads to Riches by Ken Fisher

1. Start a successful business—the richest road!
2. Become the CEO of an existing firm and juice it—a very mechanical function.
3. Hitch to a successful visionary’s wagon and ride along—it’s high value-added.
4. Turn celebrity into wealth—or wealth into celebrity and then more wealth!
5. Marry well—really, really well.
6. Steal it, legally—no guns necessary!
7. Capitalize on other people’s money (OPM)—where most of the mega-rich are.
8. Invent an endless future revenue stream—even if you’re not an inventor!
9. Trump the land barons by monetizing unrealized real estate wealth!
10. Go down the Road More Travelled—save hard, invest well—forever!
All these roads aren’t for everyone, but at least one can be right for everyone who really wants to be wealthy. There are some people who went down one road successfully and switched to another, but most wealthy people travel one road their whole lives, happily.
Becoming rich usually means doing good and often living an exciting life. You’ll see this beneficent effect repeatedly in people who changed the world for the better: Doing good while getting rich and enjoying their lives.