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Friday, October 2, 2009

success and failure

You can not achieve both success and failure at the same time. Success is persisting until you reach your goals. Yes sometimes success comes in ways we never thought would be possible. We set out to reach our goals and expect them to come about the way we always imagined it in our minds.

The only thing is somtimes we are given different routes to take. It does not mean that you will not experience success; it just means you must be flexible when it comes to reaching your goals. This is what makes every successful person unique. Many of them have failed before in one area of their lives, however they understand and believe that they will achieve the success they set out to achieve.

Failure on the other hand is to quit working towards your goals at the first sign of adversity. Many people who set goals fail to set goals that they are passionate about. If you fail to set goals that you have a burning desire to achieve, you will not have the strength to achieve the success you are looking for.

If you want to achieve financial success; believe in your heart that you too can have it as well. You are no different than anyone else who has ever achieved this stutus. The only thing that everyone else has done, is they have put in the work both mentally and physically to achieve their financial freedom. Begin immediately by setting some goals that you are passionate about and begin spending some time visualizing your success. I do this once every morning and once in the evening. It is important to feel the feelings of success; after all your subconscious can not tell the difference between what is real and what is not.

If you begin feeling the feelings of wealth, guess what you will begin acting like the type of person who has already achieved the wealth. Opportunities will begin presenting themselves to you, your job is just to take action on thos opportunities.

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